Volunteering in HRCE Schools
Calling all volunteers!
Parents, and other members of the community, who want to get more closely involved with our children's education are more than welcome to help out in the schools.
In fact, schools can't do without you.Volunteering can mean acting as a coach, organizing school fairs, serving breakfast or lunch to hungry students, reading to children in the classroom or supervising at recess time.
Its a chance for you to get to know the children, pass on your life experiences to them and help them learn in a positive atmosphere. Its also an opportunity for you to discover what schools are doing these days.
But, remember, you aren't a teacher; you're a helper. Although you can remind the children of proper behaviour and act as a role model, its up to the teacher or principal to impose discipline.
All volunteers are carefully screened, including a criminal records check and a child abuse registry search. This is meant to protect the students.